Flosser Gigi Silinder

Flosser Gigi Silinder

Flosser Gigi Silinder: Flosser gigi nganggo botol, perawatan oral saben dinane lan hotel bersih, restoran, supermarket, Grosir barang-barang plastik gigi rumah tangga.

Detail Produk

Flosser Gigi Silinder

Flosser dental nganggo botol, perawatan oral saben dina lan hotel bersih, restoran, supermarket, Grosir barang-barang klambi gigi ing omah.

Aplikasi saka flos gigi

Wektu: flos sedina sepisan, luwih-luwih sawise nedha bengi.

Populasi sing bisa ditrapake: yen bisa (utamane kanggo wong enom lan umur tengah ora duwe ruang untu gedhe), benang gigi kudu digunakake sabisa-bisa, sing bisa njaga kesehatan jangka panjang.

Pilihan saka floss gigi: pilihan saka floss gigi minangka pilihan pribadi. Kasunyatane, yen sampeyan nggunakake kanthi bener, apa wae flos gigi bisa ngilangi plak gigi lan tartar kanthi efektif.

Aja nggunakake kakehan meksa nalika flosing, supaya ora ngrusak permen karet. Beda babagan flos gigi kudu digunakake kanggo ngetik cengkeraman sing beda, lan plak sing jejer kudu dicopot nganggo benang gigi sing resik saben wektu. Luwih efisien, luwih aman lan sehat.

Nomer produk LY-F-02 Desain khusus Nampa
Spesifikasi 2,5 * 20cm Asal Usul FUJIAN
Kemasan 20-50 pcs / kothak Spesifikasi pengepakan 5 * 5 * 7,6cm
Werna putih Barang-barang sing dinggo dipakai YES
Rusak YES Wara-wara Ana kesalahan ing pangukuran, sing tundhuk karo obyek nyata.

Floss dental
Floss dental is to use nylon, silk or polyester floss to clean the dental plaque on the adjacent surface of teeth, which is very effective, especially for flat or convex surfaces. Pull down a piece of dental floss about 25cm, make a coil on both ends of the floss, or take a piece of dental floss about 33cm, wind the two ends of the floss around the two middle fingers, and pass the floss through the contact point with the right and left fingers.

Jarak antarane driji loro udakara 1-1.5cm. Yen ana perasaan sing nyenyet nanging bisa dilalekake, sampeyan bisa nindakake tumindak gergaji bolak-balik, liwat titik kontak, tekan permukaan gigi kanthi alon-alon ing sangisore titik kontak, lan ing wektu sing padha, pasang flos gigi ing sisih sulcus gingiva menyang ngresiki area sulcus gingival, perhatian supaya ora tekan jaringan sing jero ing sangisore suling gingival.

Flosser untu sing bisa dienggo
Floss dental, also known as floss stick, is a product used in daily oral care with toothbrush. Before floss sticks, people used floss to achieve the same effect. Compared with dental floss, dental floss stick is more convenient, efficient, safe and hygienic.

Toothbrush can only brush 70% of the surface of the teeth. Floss dental makes up for the shortcomings of toothbrush. It is a household tooth protection product widely used in Europe and America. This product can be used as toothpick and dental floss. Smooth curved dental floss head design, 2kg tensile dental floss to protect the gums, remove dental plaque, soft dirt, food residues. There are anti-skid ribs or various anti-skid textures in the middle of the toothpick. The toothpick head is flat, such as knife shape, which is more conducive to inserting into the teeth. It can be bent into a 45 degree angle, which is conducive to removing food debris that can not be touched by ordinary toothpicks.

Hot Tags: Flosser Gigi Silinder, Produsen, Pemasok, Grosir, Tuku, Pabrik, Customized, China, Buatan China, Rega murah, Kualitas, Sampel Gratis, Akeh

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