Nah, iki minangka conto buku teks kesalahan. Flossing sing bener kudu katon kaya iki: Tarik floss metu saka kothak floss lan njupuk floss dawa lengen (kira-kira 45 cm). Bungkus floss dental ing ros-rosan kapindho driji indeks tangan loro, lan bungkus loro utawa telu kanggo ndandani floss dental. Aja mbungkus kabeh dental floss ing driji indeks, sing bakal mengaruhi sirkulasi getih.
Nalika floss ing area untu ngarep, gunakake jempol tangan siji lan driji indeks tangan liyane kanggo floss kuku loro kanthi jarak kira-kira 1 cm. Selehake floss dental ing persimpangan gusi lan untu, kanthi driji indeks ing njero tutuk lan jempol ing njaba tutuk.
When cleaning the posterior teeth area, use the index fingers of both hands instead, and straighten the fingers to reach the gap between the posterior teeth. The left and right adjacent surfaces of the upper and lower scraping gaps. Most people only use dental floss to remove food residues, but do not implement the action of "scraping" the surface of the teeth. The invisible plaque still accumulates between the teeth, and the cleaning effect is greatly reduced.